The central command of the transformation of governmental economic function is to define governmental public financial function 转变政府经济职能,核心的内容就是必须明确政府的公共财政职能。
Once flood warning is issued , the cas flood rescue teams will standby at relevant fire stations and assist the fire services department in flood rescue operations . the cas central command centre will also be activated 每当天文台发出北区水浸警告,民安队水灾救援小队便会到有关消防局候命及协助水灾救援工作而民安队指挥中心亦会启动。
When typhoon signal no . 8 or above is hoisted , the cas central command centre and the regional forces operational bases will be manned automatically . if emergency service is required , cas deployment can be arranged as soon as possible 在八号或以上风球悬挂时,民安队指挥中心及各区域部队行动基地会即时候命出动,如有紧急服务的召援,民安队会尽快调派人员出动。
The cas central command centre casccc was established on 1 october , 1999 so as to centralize the incident control function of the three regional headquarters in the former establishment with the aim to further enhance the operational efficiency 民安队指挥中心下称:指挥中心于1999年10月1日设立,目的是将以往基于地理因素划分并分别运作的三个区域总部合并,令部队在应急行动中达至更高效率。